Yoga For Immunity: Here's How Practising Yoga Boosts Your Immune System


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Yoga is one of the best ways to stay calm and to fight the symptoms of illness or illness early.

Yoga incorporates a variety of postures, mudras, pranayama, and meditation that work carefully on every muscle and joint in its entirety. It will relieve stiffness, make you more flexible, improve the functioning of various organs, improve the nervous system, work in the joints, and focus on mental health.


All of the above are important for better protection. By improving the functioning of the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, and oxygen supply, your immune system is strengthened. This helps you to fight germs and germs that can be harmful to your health.


How does yoga improve the immune system?

With consistent yoga practice, you will gradually begin to notice the improvement in your flexibility and mobility. Muscle strength will decrease which will strengthen your muscles. Your members will be anointed leading to a better move.

Baby Yoga also promotes better function of vital organs and removes toxins through new supply of blood and oxygen as well as body massage to promote better functioning.

Yoga For Immunity: Here's How Practising Yoga Boosts Your Immune System

Your immune system is also affected by the weakening of the respiratory system. When you do yoga, you are not only opening your chest and lungs but also paying attention to your breathing. This helps to increase the elasticity and strength of the lungs, leading to a better immune system.

Finally, when your body is functioning properly, your brain will also function properly. Depression symptoms that are transmitted to various parts of the body and organs release hormones that increase stress. This is also one of the main reasons why the immune system is weakened. Yoga will help to soothe your mind, release happiness hormones, and create a healthy immune system.

What does science say?

The study was conducted on 60 first-year MBBS students (divided into 30 control groups and 30 yoga group). They were tested for various parameters such as depression level, blood pressure, etc. which is a result of the test stress.


After the yoga group performed 12 weeks of daily 35 infant yoga exercises, it was noted that yoga groups had significant lowering of blood pressure and lower levels of stress. While cortisol increased in both groups, it was much lower in the yoga group.


This also proves that practicing yoga helps to build better immune systems that are able to withstand the changes brought about by the pressure of the test.


A review of 15 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was published in 2018 which saw that yoga could be recommended as a “complementary intervention”. It was noted that the long-term practice of yoga helped to reduce the risk of inflammation and inflammation of the joints.


Another review of the journal saw how regular yoga practice for 4 weeks increased the immune system to fight infections and infections. It can support people of all ages by strengthening their immune system.


6 Yoga is a baby to improve immunity

Below are 6 active yoga exercises to strengthen your immune system.


Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Practicing a triangle will strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest, legs, and spine. It will also help reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and improve balance. Your blood circulation will increase to the upper part of the body.


Stand at Tad asana (Mountain Pose) with your feet 3–4 meters apart.

Your right foot should be directed towards the short end of the mat and the heels should be aligned. Stretch your arms out to the side, in line with the mat, with your palms facing down.

Start bending to your right foot from your hips, lowering your right arm down and your left arm upwards.

Bend until your fingers touch your right foot or ankle. You can also use a yoga block on its upper side to relax your right hand.

Turn your head to look at your left fingers.

Hold this position for 5 breaths and repeat with the other leg.


Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Uttanasana promotes circulation to the brain by bringing it down to the heart. It relieves sinus congestion, stimulates the digestive system, expands the spine, and helps deal with insomnia, depression, and anxiety.


Stand in Tad asana (Mountain Pose) legs slightly apart.

Stretch your arms out and bend gently from your hips. Keep the microband on the knees so that your hands touch the mat. Or use a yoga block to relax your hands.

Hang your head freely and keep this position for 3-5 breaths.

Cobra Pose (Bhujanasana)

Cobra pose stretches your upper body and provides relief from back pain. It helps you deal with many respiratory problems and stretching your spine, adjusting your posture, and improving your mood by relieving stress and fatigue.


Lie on your stomach and place your arms next to your ribs.

Bring your hands under your shoulders and spread your fingers to create a strong support and spread the weight evenly.

Put a small weight on your hands, lift your head and chest up while keeping your pelvis and legs in place.

Your arms should be relaxed but they should support your upper body weight by bending slightly at your elbows.

Sit in this position for 10-15 seconds and then return gently to relax your body on the mat.


Child Position (Bal as a)

The baby's posture is a very relaxing condition that works throughout the body. It relieves back pain, promotes calm sleep, works on the abdominal muscles and hips, stretches and tightens the shoulders, and expands your spine.


Sit in the Vajrayana (Thunderbolt Pose) with your toes tied. Your big toes should touch and the buttocks should be placed on the heels.

Put your arms in front of you with your hands touching the mat.

Create a small gap between the knees and bend forward from your waist. If possible, put your forehead on the floor or relax it in a yoga block.

Hold this stop for 3-5 breathes


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